October 27, 2006

another happy moment.

kelly & i came across this knitted installation under train tracks in seattle.
thanks to mel-l, i am intrigued.... is this the work of knittaplease?

October 24, 2006

want to see?


the girls.

i was so happy to see my nieces!

mia is 1.
katie is 4.

welcome to portland.

my brother couldn't resist the opening of this skatepark.
it was actually pretty impressive & i could not believe the turnout...
hundreds of skate rats.
part of the park. i love the trees in portland.

close knit & bolt.

these boutiques are precious.
i even splurged on some amy butler fabric.

yes. i could live here.

kelly & i took the ferry out to bainbridge island. the views of the city were amazing....
but i would definitely say the shops on the island all resembled chico's.
this is the view on our way downtown from capitol hill (kelly's apt)

onto seattle.

i took an amazing train to seattle for the weekend. project runway on my laptop, my new quilting book, beautiful views & a vanilla latte.

pikes market. downtown seattle.

i discovered where all of the hot fisherman hang out, flingin fish around all day.